Hi, I'm Rayhan

I'm a Passionate Programmer

with a knack for problem-solving and a love for creating innovative solutions. I have honed my skills through extensive practice, solving over 350 coding challenges on LeetCode and HackerRank. My expertise lies in JavaScript and C programming languages, and I enjoy tackling real-world problems through self-initiated projects. Let's connect and explore the world of technology together!

John Carlo Devera | Frontend Developer


Hello! I'm Rayhan Kobir, and I'm a passionate programmer and software developer proficient in JavaScript.

I have experience working in web development worlds, with a focus on backend development. I'm passionate about finding optimal solution of a problem and creating robhust solution. As well as, I am proficient in frontend development that provide a great user experience.

My skills include JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, Firebase, Docker. And have also worked with various frontend frameworks like React and Next.js, enabling me to craft full-stack applications with seamless integration.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing sports. I believe that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for staying productive and motivated.

I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. If you're interested in working together or have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! 🔗

Use at work

JavaJavaScriptTypeScriptNodeJSExpressDockerReactReduxRedisJWTPostgresPrismaMongoDBFirebaseHTMLCSSTailwindGitHubREST API

Use for fun

React NativeGraphQLFirebaseSupabaseVercelFigmaSASS




React - Node - Express - MongoDB - Cloudinary

A soccer club training management application using MERN stack presented challenges in ensuring seamless video upload and playback functionality while maintaining security and access controls for coaches and players.
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React - Redux - React Player - Tailwind CSS - Firebase

A podcast and audibook platform where user can find their preferable podcasts and audiobook.
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Puzzle Solver

Puzzle Solver

React - Algorithm - API - Tailwind CSS - A* Search

Provides the ability to see the solution of puzzle game with iteration tree using A* Search Algorithm.
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Taskify-Task Management

Taskify-Task Management

React - Node.js - MongoDB - Tailwind

A task management application built with react(context api), authentication and authorization. I've made backend api by using node.js and express with mongodb database.
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Token Based Authentication

Token Based Authentication

Node.js - Express.js - Prisma - JWT

Built a authentication and authorization based on Refresh token by using jwt, prisma, postgresql and express.
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Hamming Code Visualizer

Hamming Code Visualizer

React.js - Hamming Code - Algorithms

Developed a Hamming code visualizer using React to enhance the understanding of error correcting codes.
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Bachelor of Computer Science
Jan 2020 - Jan 2024
Green University of Bangladesh.
Result: 3.28

Diploma in Computer Science
Sep, 2015 - Sep, 2019
Naogaon Polytechnic Institute.
Result: 3.24

Secondary School Certificate
Jan, 2010 - Feb, 2015
Al-Helal Islami Academy School & College.
Result: 4.94



Dont have job experiences.


Difference between Call, Apply, Bind Methods

Difference between Call, Apply, Bind Methods

JavaScript - this

The call, apply, and bind methods in JavaScript are all used to invoke a function with a specified this value. However, there are some key differences between the three methods.
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Have an idea to discuss? Shoot me an email if you want to connect! You can also find me on Linkedin or Skype if that's more your speed.